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January Poetry Collection

  January Poetry Collection Man, January was a huge month of reflection and connection for me. And out of that thought and tears came these poems. Travel with me as I think about my past, question my present, and look to hold the future.  7=16=19=24=36 To have the decadent sweets And not listen to the nag of others To enjoy my life as I see fit Oh the joys I will have  The life I will lead On space, or the red carpet  My feet in the swing don't seem to mind  They fly high and fall back down  One day I will get to jump.  Do people not know My age? When they question me Do they not know I am mature And a grown up now?  Allowed on my own Driving with no one  Around; I am  Free I am an adult.  Do people not know how  Young I am?  That I still study in these halls Not yet accustomed  To the life beyond  I am not made for that My coat not full enough yet  I want the warm embrace  Of a home cooked meal I want ...
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February Poetry

Welcome back to my monthly collection of poetry! This month had some interesting and repetitive inspiration, and a lot of days where I did not want to write. But in the end, I have a few poems that represent longing, change and reflection. Enjoy!  when i see the moon  Every night I search Sea of twinkling before the stars  Tops, blanketed in black  Tucked in but never asleep Most nights its light Is drowned out Hidden in the maze  But some, an artists paints it When the planets align  Waving from above  does the butterfly remember being a caterpillar My smile drowns out your sorrow I forget what it was like To experience that. And for a second I question my own  Memories. No one speaks No one but- My own shaky hand Writing in the hospital room I know I was you. You have grown into me Ground into my bones Now nothing but stars  How can I hold you and not burn?  hi again.  A friend turned acquaintance turned monster next door  Wi...

Make Them Laugh(Drafting)

 Make Them Laugh(Drafting)  Nichola didn't know what to expect when she became a jester, but it wasn't finding out Lady Elvira is the court assassin.  Will she be able to escape the death associated with her new role, or will Lady Elviras decent into madness pull her down with it?  This book is currently in the drafting stages, if you have any questions please email: