Hello! My name is Hailey and I want to thank you for joining me.
I love learning, whether it's about myself, my thoughts, or the world around me. Taking in information is one of the most fascinating things we can do as humans. There is so much we don't know, so much left within each of our brains that hasn't been explored.
Writing is the way I find myself able to learn. I sit down and write about an event that happened to me and learn about the way I react to things. I sit down to write about a topic that interests me and leave it with newfound knowledge.
I also enjoy writing fiction and fantasy works. Even though they can be less tethered to reality, they still can speak to people just the same. There are so many stories to be told through works of fiction and so much to learn about the world through them.
As an author I write fantasy and fiction, but do not find myself tethered to any genres(especially in short stories). My works focus on the new adult age group with most of my characters being in their early to mid 20s.
I love including disability and LGBTQ+ representation in my work, and focusing on the character emotions and development in my stories.
On this website you can find links to my monthly poetry collections and published short stories under the CREATIVE WRITING tab, you can find posts on topics I find interesting in the BLOG tab, and you can find information on the books and scripts I am working on under the AUTHOR PAGE tab.
I hope to write things you can relate to. Because I have been there looking around and finding someone's voice that is speaking of the same thing you are experiencing. And that feeling of community that comes afterward is priceless.
So join me in getting lost in thoughts.
Happy Learning,
Hailey <3
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