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September Poems

 The Summer of 2021 

I wish my eyelids were cameras

So I could hold every detail of this moment

Close to my chest forever

The way the grass feels,

The laughter in the air, 

The sense of pride, relief

And happiness

Every detail of the stars, and leaves

Will soon be lost

In the passage of time 

No picture could dare capture it

It would never see the magic

It would never get the joy

So I close my eyes tightly

Hoping that my memory won't fail me

And my eyes will act as a camera 

The Moon is Beautiful Isn’t it? 

A homecooked meal sitting on the table 

Hugs as I cry into her shoulder 

A handwritten note, tear stains on the paper 

A tucked strand of hair behind my ear 

A hand to hold as I across the rocky terrain 

Holding a space at the table, even after years away 

A night of laughter and champaign 

Letting me pick the movie, again 

A standing ovation at midnight in our room 

“This reminded me of you” 

A voice that hears me speak through the noise 

Whispered words only I hear 

Endless Race 

The longing and want

Rise within 

A life so close yet so far 

And end goal that is merely 

Another stop 


I used to believe that I was a flower 

Who grew better alone 

With space to feel the breeze 

To plant roots and let them spread 

As far as the eye could see 

I have come to realize

Plants need others to grow 

From the nutrients in fungi

To the bees in the sky 

On their own plants can rise

But they need the forest to thrive 

A Dying Flower Trapped in a Vase

A dying flower would be the most beautiful 

If all others in the garden were already plucked. 

I can make a meal fit for a king

If I am the king who is tasting 

Holed away in my box

I soar to exponential heights 

Touching the clouds in my mind

But when I step outside 

I realize I haven't even left the ground 


At night I dream of the person I one day will be

Of the adventures, the laughs, the memories

It sits right behind my eyes but just out of reach 

Leaving me awake, my heart racing 

Longing for the things I have etched in my future 

Overtime these dreams turn into needs 

My fingertips brush along the edges of the shining upcoming memories 

The future promise is no longer enough

When my need for dreams overflows 

I cannot let the stars fade 

Before I have the chance to feel their fire 

Dark Water 

The hands of memories grip my skin

Wanting to plunge me back 

Into a darker version of my past

Into the nights that turned into nightmares 

With a subtle shifting gray that turned to black 

The sinking feeling grows

As flashes of who I was resurface 

The type of naivety and ignorance 

That only goes away with time

And distance from the crime scene 

Such a cruel thing in my mind

That it will make me remember 

while being powerless to go and save myself 


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