Hello! Here is my collection of poems from November! Enjoy
A drop of water splashes
Onto my arm. Out of the pot
For my tea that I made for my
Sore throat that I got from
Talking into the mirror
For an hour about my dreams
That caused puffy checks
Because I am afraid I will never
Be the person I want to be
So I curled into bed. The taste of sugar
In my mouth. My heart like
Sand weighed down by this fear
The blanket consumes me
Cocoons me as I isolate
And ignore the notifications
And wonder if I will ever be ok
I need tea. I put a pot on the stove
To boil
Hey pretty lady,
I sharpen my nails into
Points meant to kill
Each fallen shaving
A sacrifice for safety
A natural weapon
A counter for words as I
Walk past. Whispers under
Drunken breath,
While starting at my ass
I want to claw them through eyes
Let the blood pool
Like the ketchup that
Squirts onto the sidewalk
And splashes your pants
I hope it burns through to your skin
And leaves you ravaged
Like a wolf by the moon
In The Silence
The world doesn't stop
It unfortunately keeps spinning
I keep breathing
As it crashes down
As the cars honk the same
Tune that they always do
As I get up and eat the same breakfast
As if I am the same
I want the world to stop
But it doesn't.
I want time to freeze
For the camera to pan
For it to be fake
But I get up because I have to
I stand because I have to
I continue moving because I have to
Because the world never stopped
The pin didn't drop
The breath didn't escape me
Only humanity did
Glass Beach
They shout at me from the crest of their waves
Saying their feet know the sand
But they can't see I stand on shards of glass
Ground up so fine it shimmers
But I don't tell them the difference
Because I am standing here all the same
My feet sinking into the glistening pain
Turning glass to ruby
A precious gem
How lucky I am to be on that beach.
But soon a boat will come to save me
It has to come to save me.
So I can stop waving my white flag
That looks like a dance
And finally, ride atop the crests of the waves
In the haze of sleep
I can still see her face
Still, see the lines that used to
Carve where her chin would end
Still, see the small dots of scars
She left behind
I still hear her in my voice
As the words she used to speak
Slip from my lips like an old habit
But I can’t remember
Does our laughter sound the same?
I still feel her in my days
When I wake up and
Our routines blend
Into one of the same
When I watch an old show
She used to love
And can still see why
If her eyes are my eyes
Why does it still feel
Like she disappeared?
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